To Unite. To Represent. To Serve.
IN ORDER to better represent the students of Youngstown State University, to unite more closely the interests of undergraduates, graduates, faculty, and staff, to obtain the best leadership for guidance to higher goals and ideals, and to provide for the most efficient and successful management of all student activities, we, the students of Youngstown State University, do ordain and establish this Constitution.
Are you Interested in being on Student Government Association?
Student Government Association is a great way to get involved at Youngstown State University. Student Government allows you to represent the student at YSU by allowing you to be a part of the decisions that effect so many of our students. If you are interested in being a part of SGA, please feel free to watch our presentation on what Student Government is and how to get involved!

Get Involved with SGA as a Freshman!
Each year, Student Government appoints three (3) freshmen to represent their class on the Legislative Assembly of SGA. If you are a first-year student that is interested in one of these seats, complete this application. If you have any questions, you may reach out to Chief of Staff Taylor Sebastiano, thhonsaker@student.ysu.edu

Interested in representing the student body?
Student Government Association is made up of representatives from each of our academic colleges. If you are interested in representing your college & you are not a freshman, complete the application for your college and we will use those applications to fill vacancies as they come up. If you have any questions, you may reach out to Chief of Staff Taylor Taylor Sebastiano, thhonsaker@student.ysu.edu
Contact us!
Kilcawley Center, Room 2218
(330) 941-3591