Last Amended: August 2024 by
Francesco McElrath, VP for Financial Affairs
Brayden Melia, Parliamentarian
Jordan Pintar, President
(A) An “appropriation” is an amount of money up to which an organization is given authority to spend through action of the Vice President for Financial Affairs in such a manner as the Financial Appropriations Committee, in its report, or the Legislative Assembly, in the language of an appropriation bill, may permit.
(B) An “outlay” is an amount appropriated and therefore is no longer available to fund other potential recipients. “Total outlays” is the aggregated amount of appropriated dollars.
(C) “Registered Student organization” shall refer to any group officially recognized as a student organization by the Office of Student Activities.
(D) A “new student organization” shall refer to any group officially identified as a student organization by the Office of Student Activities which is in its first full year of recognition, excluding summer. Formerly active student organizations that are currently inactive but seeking to regain their active status after three (3) years of dormancy or on a case-by-case basis at the discretion of the Financial Affairs Committee may be considered a “new student organization.”.
(E) A “provisional student organization” shall refer to any group officially identified as a student organization by the Office of Student Activities that did not register during the defined organization registration periods or is missing one or more of the minimum requirements to be approved as Registered Student Organization.
(F) “Organization(s)” shall refer to every fundable entity as defined by Title I, Section 102, Subsections (C), (D), and (E) of this document.
(G) “University Program” shall refer to any student group that is affiliated with a certain department or division on campus. Examples include Penguin Productions, Marching Pride, or Emerging Leader Program.
(H) “Committee” shall at all times mean the Financial Affairs Committee, and “Chair” shall mean the chair of the same.
(I) “Fundraising” shall refer to any lawful activity in which an organization or program partakes for the purpose of generating discretionary income for said organization or program.
(J) “Community service” shall refer to any lawful activity of a benevolent nature in which an organization or program partakes, but through which the organization or program itself does not receive compensation.
(K) A “membership roster” shall be a complete list of persons currently active within an organization or program at a given time.
(L) “Itemized costs” shall signify a complete budget of estimated costs, requested amounts relative to those costs, and research and documentation supporting such estimates.
(M) A “Co-Sponsored Event” shall refer to an event hosted by the student government association and another student organization, open to all students to attend, and funded through the financial affairs appropriation budget.
(N) “Fiscal year” shall coincide with University’s budgeting year that runs from July 1st to June 30th.
(A) Vice President for Financial Affairs. The Vice President for Financial Affairs shall –
(B) Chair. The Chair shall –
(C) Vice Chair. The Vice Chair may, contingent on decisions by the Vice President for Financial Affairs and Chair –
(D) Secretary. The Secretary may, contingent on decisions by the Vice President for Financial Affairs and Chair, take notes of the occurrences of Committee meetings and compare notes with the Chair to aid in his or her reporting.
(E) Members. All Committee members shall partake in the questioning of applicants, the deliberation on recommendations, and the formulation of funding policies within the bounds of the Financial Path.
(A) The Committee Report shall –
(B) Appropriation bills shall be written with each appropriation as a line-item and may include temporary corollaries to the Financial Path that do not conflict with it.
(A) The Legislative Assembly may enact changes to the Financial Path through a supermajority vote of two-thirds (2/3).
(B) No amendment made to the Financial Path shall go into effect until the beginning of the semester following such an amendment.
(C) No amendment to the Financial Path shall affect enacted appropriation bills or applications pending prior to the enactment of amendments.
(D) Subsections (B) and (C) above exclude amendments which are made to conform to University policy, in which case a vote shall be cast by the Legislative Assembly.
(A) All funding and events funded must be within the bounds of federal, state, local laws, as well as University policies.
(B) Funds shall be disbursed to organizations for a specific event or events, travel, or to offset the itemized start-up costs of new and provisional student organizations, and never for the sole discretion of the organization.
(C) Funds shall also be disbursed to student-sponsored events through university programs (including, but not limited to, Penguin Productions, Marching Band, and Emerging Leaders).
(D) Organizations and university programs must use SGA funds with honesty and integrity.
(E) Organizations may receive, but are not entitled, to an amount of funding that is no more than (3) percent of the appropriations budget during a fiscal year. Any recommended appropriation beyond this amount shall be voted on and passed only with the unanimous consent of the Financial Affairs Committee. Any appropriation beyond this amount shall be noted as being beyond the limit in any legislation and committee reports pertaining to it.
(F) No university program shall be awarded a combined amount of more than two (2) percent of the appropriations budget during a fiscal year. Any recommended appropriation beyond this amount shall be voted on and passed only with the unanimous consent of the Financial Affairs Committee. Any appropriation beyond this amount shall be noted as being beyond the limit in any legislation and committee reports pertaining to it.
(G) No provisional student organization shall be awarded a combined amount of more than one and a half (1.5) percent of the appropriations budget during a fiscal year. Any recommended appropriation beyond this amount shall be voted on and passed only with the unanimous consent of the Financial Affairs Committee. Any appropriation beyond this amount shall be noted as being beyond the limit in any legislation and committee reports pertaining to it.
(H) No new student organization shall be awarded more than two hundred (200) dollars for itemized start-up costs during a fiscal year. Any recommended appropriation beyond this amount shall be voted on and passed only with the unanimous consent of the Financial Affairs Committee. Any appropriation beyond this amount shall be noted as being beyond the limit in any legislation and committee reports pertaining to it.
(I) Applications will be accepted –
(J) The following shall be considered ineligible funding expenditures.
Funding for events which satisfy graduation or course requirements
Individualized personal items
Decoration items
(K) Organizations and university programs hosting events on campus, must use the university dining provider if catering is to be provided or requested for the event.
(L) Organizations and university programs may apply only once per event.
(A) All events which are social in nature, or are educational but do not involve travel, must be open to either the general public or all YSU students and publicized as such.
(B) If an event is intended to generate revenue for philanthropic or fundraising purposes, any commodity subsidized by SGA must not be sold for profit. Tickets, however, may be listed as an itemized cost by an organization or university program and subsidized by SGA in order to facilitate student participation and attendance at such events.
(A) All events which take an organization’s or program’s members to a conference, competition, or event of some relevant educational benefit shall be considered travel.
(B) Events of this nature shall be funded through a Travel Expense Report, processed through Concur. Any travel not in compliance with the University Travel Guidelines may not be reimbursed. All travel must be approved by an Appropriate University Official to assess risk and purpose of the activity. These additional student travel forms must be completed and approved within the timeline according to University Policy.
(C) Travel funded through SGA shall be done so at rates consistent with University policy.
(D) Students should refer to the Procurement Services website, for up-to-date University policy regarding travel reimbursement. Additionally, policy regarding student travel forms can be found on the Risk Management, travel with students website. The Vice President for Financial Affairs of SGA and Office of Student Activities is also a resource for understanding this information.
(E) If one or more University departments are committing funds to travel, pending approval by SGA, an expense transfer can be requested from the department(s) to SGA or from SGA to another department(s). Travel arrangements can be handled through that department or through SGA.
(F) Only travel expenses that can be funded through pre-payment can be reimbursed for summer travel, unless the funds are to be transferred to another department before the end of the fiscal year.
Section 204. Itemized start-up costs of new and provisional student organizations.
(A) A new student organization, as defined in Title I, Section 102, Subsection (D) of this document, may apply for funding from SGA in order to offset itemized start-up costs.
(B) Specifics pertaining to the amount of funding available to new student organizations are enumerated in Title II, Section 201, Subsections (E) and (H) of this document.
(C) Such itemized start-up costs may include expenditures related to the early success and continuity of a new student organization. Possible allocations could include, but are not limited to printed marketing materials, tablecloths, pull-up banners, and other branded tabling items.
(A) Any organization or recognized university program may apply for funding for a specific purpose which is allowed under Title II of this document.
(B) An official application for funding shall contain the organization/university program and contact person(s)’ names, event description, itemized costs, other funding, community service, and the intended benefit of the event to YSU.
(C) The Committee reserves the right to request further information if it would be material to the application.
(D) Organizations and university programs will have read any ancillary materials concerning appropriations published by SGA. These materials will be distributed during the application process.
(E) Applications should be submitted to the Student Government Association, electronically through Campus Groups, no later than four (4) weeks to (6) weeks prior to the event for which funds are requested. The Financial Affairs Committee may appropriate funds for an organization if their application is beyond the four (4) week period, only if it will be logistically possible to process the request in time for the event. Applicants are responsible for retaining all receipts and materials concerning their appropriation request.
(F) An applicant can expect a response from an officer of the Committee within one (1) week from the date of application. After that point, it becomes the responsibility of the applicant to contact the Vice President for Financial Affairs regarding the pending application.
(G) A meeting shall be scheduled with the Committee during regularly scheduled meeting hours as determined by the Student Government Association, unless the Committee decides otherwise. Attendance at this hearing shall be and will be at the discretion of the Vice President for Financial Affairs.
(H) The Committee shall hold make-up meetings for missed appointments at its discretion and convenience.
(A) The Committee shall entertain from each applicant a presentation on the information found in the application. At least one student member of the applying organization or program must be present, and will be at the discretion of the Vice President for Financial Affairs, as enumerated in Title III, Section 301, Subsection (G) of this document.
(B) If the Vice President for Financial Affairs determines presence by an organization or program at a committee meeting is not necessary, the organization or program must nevertheless be available starting at 4:00pm on the Monday of the committee meeting for a phone conference if the Committee deems it is necessary to clarify the application.
(C) Advisors are not permitted to speak on behalf of their organization or program at the committee meeting.
(D) The applicant should be prepared to illustrate how the funding requested is a supplement to funds raised thus far, or how raising other funds has been impossible or impractical, discuss the organization or program’s record in community service, and explain the intended benefit of the relevant event to the University and its current students. In general, the most beneficial events are those which positively affect the most students and are closest in proximity to them.
(E) Once the Committee is done questioning the applicant, the Vice President for Financial Affairs, or his or her designee, will inform the applicant of the Legislative Assembly meeting during which his or her request will come to a vote, excuse the applicant, and commence deliberations.
(F) The Committee shall deliberate on the request and prepare a recommendation to be included in the Committee Report.
(G) An appropriation bill, containing both zero and non-zero recommendations codified as legislation, shall also be reported out of the Committee.
(H) The Committee may determine that it has been presented with inadequate information and put the request on hold until it has access to the information it needs.
(A) The Vice President for Financial Affairs shall report on the status of outlays with respect to the resolution on the budget and the total amount of the budget. This will be read into the minutes.
(B) The Chair shall yield approximately thirty (30) seconds of speaking time to each applying organization or university program in attendance during his or her report.
(C) No SGA member may address an applicant without prior permission from the President, except for the Chair of Financial Affairs.
(D) Amendments may be proposed to adjust the amount allocated to an organization or university program, including instances in which the Committee has not recommended funds.
(E) It shall not be in order in the Legislative Assembly to consider any appropriation bill or amendment thereto which violates the terms of this document.
(A) It is the responsibility of the Vice President for Financial Affairs to contact the organization or program that has received an appropriation following said appropriation. This shall be done in a timely manner.
(B) The Vice President for Financial Affairs shall impart all relevant information, particularly that which is extraneous to the Financial Path or unique to the situation, to the recipient of funds. Moreover, the Vice President for Financial Affairs shall connect the recipient of funds to the appropriate University administrator(s) or designee so that such funding is released in a way consistent with University policy and conducive to the needs of the recipient as articulated through the application and appropriation processes.
(C) The Vice President for Financial Affairs shall avail him or herself to the funding recipient for subsequent meetings as necessary and at the convenience of both parties.
(D) If there are alterations to the cost of a funded event, the Vice President for Financial Affairs shall recalculate the appropriation accordingly, but never to increase the sum of the appropriation.
(E) If it is believed that a substantive change to the basis of funding occurs, the Committee must be informed and determine if a new hearing must be scheduled.
(A) The Vice President for Financial Affairs, in conjunction with appropriate University officials and administrators, shall assist funding recipients in finalizing transactions in such a way that is necessary and appropriate.
(B) Summer. The Vice President for Financial Affairs, or his/her designee for summer, shall take care to ensure that no appropriation affects any fiscal year following its enactment.
(A) Applications will be deemed as Summer I appropriations if they are received at a point in time in which the legislative assembly cannot vote to appropriate, but before the Summer II period begins.
(B) Summer I appropriations will be voted on by the outgoing Vice President for Financial Affairs, incoming Vice President for Financial Affairs, and incoming President. They will likewise be made with the advice and consent of the Director of Student Activities (or his or her equivalent) and, if needed, Vice President for Student Experience (or his or her equivalent).
(C) Appropriations up to seven hundred (700) dollars for applications deemed to be in the Summer I appropriations period may be made.
(D) Applications will be deemed as Summer II appropriations if they are received where payment must occur –
(E) The Vice President for Financial Affairs shall be burdened with the duties of both the temporary chairship and his/her normal duties during this period.
(F) The Vice President for Financial Affairs, along with the President and Executive Vice President of SGA, shall approve Summer II appropriations through vote.
(G) Appropriations up to seven hundred (700) dollars for applications deemed to be in the Summer II appropriations period may be made.